Hallelujah Moments

My friend Ellen, who was with me when I made the decision to stay and teach in Bolivia this year, told me that I should keep a list of teaching moments.  The list was to be called my "Hallelujah Moments" list.  On it I would record moments when I remembered why God had called me to teach.
This list of Hallelujah Moments will document times in which I was reminded that I have been called to be in Bolivia this year.

The List

- (9/14/10) One of my student's Bible memory "verses": "Consider pure you my brother you are good and you are perseverance the Lord is great and Jesus too. Perseverance must finished his work and fast but and the Lord will be happy The Lord is strong and all." Not bad theology.

- (12/17/10)  Today Hernan gave me a Christmas gift that he had picked out himself.  When I opened it and couldn't hide my joy (really practical soap and lotion in a cute bag!), his expression was priceless.

- (12/17/10)  Yesterday in chapel and in class we talked about living for more than just today, being open to whatever God might have for us.  Benji's older sister told me today that last night he talked to her for a long time about what he was going to do with his life (including garbageman, lifeguard).  Jessica was able to encourage him that glorifying God was more important than money, and he was seriously considering his life.

- (1/19/11) Today Erynn and Gracie asked me about my ring.  I explained to my girls the symbol on it and that I bought it on a short-term missions trip to Mexico in high school.  Then I said, "I wear this ring to remind myself of my mission: to share God's love with people all around the world."  And Erynn said, "That's why you're here!"

- (2/15/11)  One of my hardest students this year (he is always in trouble!) has been praising God for me when we pray lately.  An incident also happened at school that allowed me to talk to him about some of his behavior, and while he is far from perfect, it's been encouraging to see him respond a little bit.

- (3/25/11)  A picture is worth a thousand words: