
Praying for the Last Three Days

Three days.  That’s all I have left.  Then I’m done being “Mees” forever.  I’m pretty nervous about the last few days because 1) I am going as crazy as my kids are 2) I have so much to do 3) I’m nervous to face parents and administration at the end of the year saying, “Well, I didn’t know a thing.  I gave it a try.  Hope I haven’t ruined them.” 


We, my students and I, need your prayers in these last three days. 

-Pray for me, that I’ll be able to tie up loose ends with my students and with the crazy amount of paperwork that comes with being a teacher.

- Pray that we would all leave this year knowing God better and growing in grace.  Pray that my students would put into effect the Bible study methods we’ve learned this year.

- Pray for sanity as we all want to be outside playing.

- Pray that I wouldn’t make this time about me but about God and His work in my students this year.


Thanks.  God works powerfully when His people come before Him.


  1. 1. Love your blog. I'm just sayin. . .
    2. I am SO grateful that you stayed this year. Even though my kids weren't in your class, I care about the kids in your class and I am grateful that you were there to care about them, too! What you did was crazy hard and you did it all in the grace of God! A verse that Paul Kienzle showed me years ago (in Galatians) says that "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." You have that in spades. I see Jesus in you--and the kids and parents did, too. Blessings. Janine

  2. Thanks Janine! I love that verse-- especially nice when I think of how little I had to offer besides love. :) Thanks for your prayers this year, too!


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