

Sometimes I wonder about making the decision to stay here.  Who am I to teach?  What kind of person makes such an impulsive decision?  How in the world will my physical needs be provided for?

God is slowly showing me the answers to these questions.  I'm learning daily that God called me to the 5th grade this year for a purpose.  I'm learning that responding quickly to God's calling is something that He is continuing to teach me how to do-- a quick decision doesn't always equal an impulsive one.  And finally, He is providing for my needs.

I was BLOWN AWAY last week when I got my support report for September.  Not many people had gotten my support letter before the end of September, so I was only supported by a few people.  There is no way I would have gotten money for October except that a family from my church supported me for a month and a half.  Yes, that's right...they gave me a donation that completely covered my October costs.  Praise goes to God!  Who knows how I would have continued to be here if it weren't for their quick response to my need!  I stand in awe and gratefulness for what they've done and how God has worked in my life.  

There have been parts of this "living by faith" thing that have been hard and required me to walk blindly into what I trust to be God's faithfulness, but that moment was like having blinders pulled off my face and seeing a concrete, tangible experience of His faithfulness.

I don't know if the rest of the school year will look like this abundant provision or if there will be times of scarcity, but I am confident that the God who sent His very own Son to die for my sins will certainly give me what I need for each day- in little ways or in big ones.

My God will supply all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
-Philippians 4:19

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